Delivering Ziggy's house
was rather worrisome for me.
I knew once we got it to the farm we'd
have help, but I didn't know how my
husband and I were going to load this several
hundred pound house on our truck by ourselves.
Thankfully my husband invested a lot of planning
and forethought on that part and all went well.
Aimee had a fine group of willing and able volunteers
who made bringing it to it's new location a cinch.
Once we got it to the penned in area,
we had to lift it over the fence.
Working in tandem, the house just glided
over the top to the other side.
Thank You Lord!
We kept the roof separate to lessen
the weight. My husband Bob secured it
with hurricane clips once we got it in place.
That roof isn't going anywhere!
All the animals had to come and check
out the new digs. They all seemed to love it.
But the best news of all is
that Ziggy loves it too!
I'm so grateful. . .
~for people in
this world like Aimee Takaha.
~for places in this world
like Aimee's Farm Animal Sanctuary.
~for the special people who
volunteer their time at places like this one.
And, I'm so grateful for the opportunity we
had to make one corner of it a little more colorful.