The Back Story

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Grand-pup and Painting

In a mother's heart there's a desire to nurture and care 
for little ones that never goes away. 

At least I can speak for myself, and don't
think I'm alone. 

Many of my empty nester friends have gotten
pets at this stage in life. 

That need to "mother" always has
a place in our hearts even when our
kids are grown and gone from the house.

These were my thoughts as I painted 
this week's painting. 

This past week I've been dog
sitting for the little white pup in
the next picture. His name is Finley
and he's a sweetie. 

The little black cutie is my new
"Grand-dog" Gus. 

He's only 8 weeks old. 

He's the most adorable little Berniedoodle. 

Here he is after sniffing around in
some mesquite leaves. 

He's the sweetest puppy ever! 

I just love him. 

Growing up, I had an Aunt that
was a golden retriever breeder.

I have the fondest memories of going
over to her house to play with all the puppies. 

Finley's heading back to his home tomorrow.

He'll be missed, but I'm really looking forward
to my future visits with Gus. 

Hoping you're having a wonderful
week so far. 

Warmest regards,



  1. Love your sweet art piece, Terri! Very heartwarming.
    And you tell those two gorgeous pups that Aunt Chris is available to puppy-sit anytime!

    1. Oh, thank you Chris! You can't help but love them.

  2. Oh Terri, that is such a sweet painting and oh so true.
    If I didn't have my Jenny cat I'd be lost. Would love to have another pooch but it's out of the question.. I love them.

    1. You warm my heart Barbara Joan. We are kindred spirits. Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts.

  3. Aaaaw your painting is so lovely and heart-warming. You have such a great way of using colour.


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